The Grow & Go Toolbox is a free online library of food and nutrition resources for children under the age of five. The Toolbox contains over 1700 evidence-based resources on feeding children under five for parents and families, education and health professionals.
The development of the Toolbox was completed by researchers at the University of Queensland and funded through a Public Health and Chronic Disease grant from the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.
Here is a general overview of how you can use the Grow & Go Toolbox. This video focuses on navigating our website and will highlight some key features we have to offer. Explore the other topics on this list for a detailed look at searching our database or using various website features.
There are three ways to search and explore our website
We have provided a search bar on key pages across the website. Please enter a search term into these bars to search our database for relevant resources. A list of suggestions will appear as you type in the search bar. You can choose from these suggestions or to continue typing. Once you have finished typing a search term, hit the enter key on your keyboard or click the green magnifying glass to search the database. You will then be redirected to the search results page to see all relevant resources.
The search bars on some pages will apply a filter to your search results to provide resources for a specific audience.
If you are on the Health Professional page, the ‘Health Professional’ filter will be applied to searches.
If you are on the Parents & Families page, the ‘Parents and Families’ filter will be applied to searches.
If you are on the Early Childhood Educators page, the ‘Education Professionals’ filter will be applied to searches..
If you are on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander page, the ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ filter will be applied to searches.
Please refer to the ‘How to read a resource card’ section for information on the resource cards.
Please refer to the ‘How to refine your search with filters’ section for information on using filters in your search.
On key pages of our website, you will notice clickable buttons like the one below.
These buttons act as a quick search feature for specific topics. These buttons will take you to the search results page and show resources relating to your selected topic. Depending on which page you came from, there will be pre-applied filters for the target audience, e.g., Parents and Families, Health Professionals or Education Professionals. From here, you can either explore the results, continue to use the filters or refine your search using the search bar.
Watch the short GIF below for a detailed walkthrough of how to use the topic buttons.
*Please refer to the ‘How to refine your search with filters’ section for information on using filters in your search.
We have categorised every resource on the Grow & Go Toolbox into seven key categories. These categories can be found using the navigation bar at the top of the page (pictured below).
Once on the categories page, you will see a list of those seven key categories (pictured below). Please select the category you would like to explore by clicking on it.
Once selected, the category bar will open to reveal subcategories, where you can choose the most relevant subcategory. The subcategory buttons will take you to the search results page and show the relevant resource cards.
Watch the short GIF below for a detailed walkthrough of using the categories page.
Please refer to the ‘How to refine your search with filters’ section for information on using filters in your search.
Use the contact us button below and we will help you navigate our site.
The ‘sort by’ button allows you to choose the order in which results are presented; the default is ‘relevance’. All the resources in our database have been appraised for engagement and communication; this appraisal score is used for the ‘relevance’ option under ‘sort by’. This default order should provide the most engaging and well-presented resources at the top of the results. Other sorting options include Newest, Oldest, Alphabetical (A-Z), and Alphabetical (Z-A).
Each resource card contains a thumbs up and thumbs down icon that can be selected to indicate if you found the resource helpful. The results from this feedback contribute to the ordering of resource cards when ‘relevance’ is selected.
Key topics of interest were identified in the consumer panel that co-designed the website. These key topics were used to develop the categories and subcategories for the Toolbox with the consumers. All resources were then allocated to the most relevant category and subcategory.
Topic buttons are either categories or subcategories. During the consumer panels, consumers provided feedback on their main topics of interest. This information was used to select some of the main topics of interest for different audiences to put on specific pages.
Yes, you can view the complete collection of resources. Clear all filters and search terms from the search bar to do so. Please note that there are over 1700 resources on the website, so we encourage using the search functions outlined on this page to find your resources faster.
Search results are presented as resource cards on the search page. Several features on the resource cards help you understand more about the resource before navigating to it.
If we have included incorrect information on a resource card, please get in touch with us, and we will review the resource card (see contact button below).
One of the goals of the Grow & Go Toolbox is to make it easier to access quality health information by creating a single, go-to place where users can search for accurate, expert-verified, and Australian-based resources. Although we have made some new resources ourselves, we primarily redirect our users to existing resources that the Grow & Go team has reviewed. For this reason, we do not host many resources on our website; instead, we direct you to the location of the most up-to-date version of the content hosted by the resource creators.
Broken links can occur for several reasons, usually because the hosting organisation has moved the resource or developed a new version under another URL. Our resource links are checked regularly, and any broken links are flagged and removed from the database until the link is updated. If you come across a broken link or a link that redirects you to a location that is not what you expected, please contact us and provide the resource card name and the link.
Enter a search term into one of the search bars on the site or click on the green magnifying glass on the search bar to go directly to the search page.
The filtering system can be used with or without entering search terms into the search bar. We recommend using a filter without text in the search bar if you want general resources on a topic. Click on the filter banner above the search results to access the filter options.
Read through the filter options and select the most suitable options. Multiple filters can be applied at one time. Once you have selected all the options you want, click the ‘apply filters’ button at the bottom of the filter menu.
The selected filter(s) will appear at the top of the filter bar (1). A filter shows as selected when a green dot appears in the white square next to it (2). You will also see a number appear next to the sections, indicating the number of filters applied in that section (3).
After clicking ‘apply filters’, your search page will refresh with the filters applied. You can remove filters individually by clicking the ‘x’ on the selected filter box (1) or remove all filters by using the ‘Clear Filters’ button (2).
Watch this short GIF to see this process in more detail.
All the resources in our database have been appraised for engagement and communication; this appraisal score is used for the ‘relevance’ option under ‘sort by’. This default order should provide the most engaging and well-presented resources at the top of the results. Each resource card contains a thumbs up and thumbs down icon that can be selected to indicate if you found the resource helpful. The results from this feedback also contribute to the ordering of resource cards when ‘relevance’ is selected.
Selecting multiple filters in a single section can increase the results shown, e.g., selecting multiple categories will show results from all the selected categories rather than just one. If you get too many results and have selected multiple filter options in a single section, try removing some filters.
The Grow&Go Toolbox is continually expanding and updating the database of resources. One way to do this is by inviting users to share any resources they have created or found with us. Using the ‘Upload a resource’ feature, users can provide information on resources that could be added to the Toolbox. Follow the instructions below on how to do this.
Click the button below to Visit the ‘Upload a Resource’ page in a new tab.
On the ‘Upload a Resource’ page, there is a short form (displayed below) to collect contact and resource information on the new resource. All fields are mandatory. The first section of the form collects information about who is submitting the resource suggestion. This information remains confidential and will not be displayed on the Toolbox. We collect this information so we can contact you after reviewing the resource.
*Please note that this is for instructional purposes only. Please use the form on the upload a resource page.
The second section of this form collects information on the new resource. Enter the resource name and select the submission type - URL or PDF.
*Please note that this is for instructional purposes only. Please use the form on the upload a resource page.
Resource PDF
An additional field will appear if you have selected ‘resource PDF’. You can drag and drop your PDF into the space provided or use your computer’s file browser to locate the PDF file you wish to upload. Please note that we prefer PDF files but accept other file types.
*Please note that this is for instructional purposes only. Please use the form on the upload a resource page.
Resource URL
An additional field will appear if you select ‘resource URL’. Please input the URL for your resource into this new field.
*Please note that this is for instructional purposes only. Please use the form on the upload a resource page.
Please complete the reCAPTCHA and click the submit button to send your resource to the Grow & Go team. One of the Grow & Go team members will then review the resource. Please be patient, as it may take up to 10 business days.
Once the resource has been received and reviewed, you will receive an email from the Grow & Go Team confirming the outcome. If the resource is approved, we will request additional information via email. Once this information is provided, the resource will be added to the database. If the resource is not approved, you will be provided with the rationale for the decision.
Congratulations! You have now submitted a resource (pending review) to our database.
Unfortunately, the Grow & Go Toolbox can only host PDFs or direct you to an existing web address. If your resource is a .jpeg, .png, .docs or another file format, please convert your file to PDF. If your resource is audio or visual-based, we recommend embedding it on your organisation’s website or using a video platform like YouTube and sharing the link generated from that platform.
You will receive an email stating why your resource has not been added to the Toolbox. There are criteria that resources must meet to be included in the Toolbox database.
If there are only minor issues preventing the resource from being added to the Toolbox, you will receive instructions on how to adjust the resource to meet our criteria. If there are significant issues that prevent the resource from being added to the Toolbox, you will be provided a brief explanation. If you can adjust the resource to meet our criteria, please resubmit the resource to us via the ‘Upload a Resource’ page.
There are four main requirements that all resources hosted on the Grow&Go Toolbox must adhere to:
1. All resources must be open-access and free to use. Resources behind paywalls or that require subscription/registration to access will not be included.
2. All information must be evidence-based and align with the Australian Dietary Guidelines. An Accredited Practising Dietitian reviews all resources. Resources that do not contain evidence-based nutrition or feeding advice will not be approved.
3. Resources must be produced by a credible Australian organisation/institution, health or education professional. This ensures the nutrition resources in the Toolbox are relevant to the Australian food environment and communities.
4. Resources must be focused on the nutrition and/or feeding of children under five. The target audience of the resource can be parents, carers or families, health, or education professionals.
If you have received an approval email for the resource submitted, you will also receive a request for additional information. This additional information will populate our resource cards so we can organise and collate the new resources within our database. We will ask for details like a resource description, the publisher, the target audience, and the resource type. Not only does this credit you as the Author of the resource, but it also allows it to be easily found through searching.
The Grow&Go Toolbox aims to increase the accessibility of nutrition information. We do not claim ownership over any resource the Grow&Go team did not create. What If I made my resource using the Personalise-a-resource tool, do I own this? All resources built using the Grow&Go Personalise-a-Resource Suite fall under Creative Commons and will be freely available for anyone to use. These Resources are marked with a separate logo specific to the Personalise-a-Resource Suite. Please refer to the ‘How to personalise a Resource” page for more instructions on using this tool.
Finding the right health professional can be challenging. We have created a tool to help you identify which health professionals you need to see and where to access them in your local area. The tool provides information on the different types of health professionals involved in feeding young children. It asks you to select your location and feeding topic of interest to guide you to the most relevant health professional to support you and your child.
The opening page to the ‘Find a health professional’ tool presents you multiple options:
1. Find a Health Professional:
Use this to begin using the Find a Health Professional tool.
2. 24 Hour helplines:
Use this if you need to speak to a health professional urgently, but it is not an emergency. You I will be redirect you to Parent Hotlines and helplines on the Raising Children Network I Australia’s website.
3. A Prompt to call ‘000’:
Use this option in the event of an emergency or if you are in need of help immediately.
4. Close:
Use this to exit the tool completely.
If you select the find a health professional tool you will be directed to this page:
1. Types of Health Care in Australia
The green button opens a pop-up box of information on the types of healthcare in Australia. You can click on the different types of healthcare listed across the top of the pop-up box to learn more about each or use the ‘X’ in the corner to close the pop-up box.
2. Maternal, Child and Family Health Nurse
This section explains what a maternal child and family health nurse is and how they can help. Click on the ‘Find your local Maternal, Child and Family Health Nurse’ button (2a) to find a nurse in your local area.
3. General Practitioner
This section explains what a General Practitioner is and how they can help. Click the ‘Find your local General Practitioner’ button (3a) to find a GP in your local area.
4. Allied Health Professionals
This section explains what an allied health professional is and how they can help. Click the ‘Find your local allied health professional’ button (4a) to find a health professional in your local area.
After selecting the ‘Find your local Maternal, Child and Family Health Nurse’ button, you will be asked to choose your state.
After selecting your location, a pop-up box will open, providing links to the services in your state. Select the option most relevant to you, and a link will open to the local health services website, providing you with options for accessing a nurse. Pictured below is one example of the options you might be presented with.
Congratulations! You are now on your way to locating your nearest Maternal, Child and Family Health Nurse.
Watch this short GIF to see this process in more detail.
After selecting the ‘Find your General Practitioner’ button, a new page directs you to, where you can search by suburb or postcode to find GP services near you. For more information on using, please go here:
Congratulations! You are now on your way to locating a GP near you.
You will be asked to choose your state after selecting the ‘Find your local Allied Health Professional’ button.
You will then be directed to a screen with multiple options.
a) select a topic from the list most closely related to the area you would like help with. This will present a list of allied health professionals that can help with that topic.
b) If you already know which allied professional you want to see, select the ‘I know what health profession I need to see…’ section and choose from the list of allied health professionals. This will only present information on the health professional you selected.
The results page will list the allied health professional(s) that can help specific to your selected topic. Selecting a health professional will only show information on that health professional.
Clicking on each health professional will display a description of how they might be able to help and buttons to link you to local services – public, private, and community-based.
The public hospitals button will list hospitals in your state with the allied health professional on staff. NOTE: access to these health professionals is often limited to in-patients or requires a referral from your doctor to see them in an outpatient clinic.
The private services button will take you to the health professionals’ national organisation, which has a list of private services you can access. You can access health professionals in private clinics and some private hospitals by paying a fee. If you have health insurance, you may be covered for some private clinic fees, but you may still need to pay an ‘out-of-pocket’ or ‘gap’ fee.
The Community Services button will take you to a list of local community health centres. Community health centres are found outside public hospitals and provide health care to local areas. Community health care is usually free or low cost. Some services may be means tested. Check with your local community health centre about pricing.
Congratulations! You are now on your way to locating your chosen allied health professional.
Watch this short GIF to see this process in more detail.
All Australian citizens and residents have access to all types of health care in Australia.
Private Healthcare is a service that you access by paying a fee. If you have health insurance you may be covered for some of the private clinic fee, but you may still need to pay an ‘out-of-pocket’ or ‘gap’ fee.
Public Healthcare is free, available healthcare for anyone with a Medicare Number.
Community health centres are found outside of public hospitals and provide health care to local areas. Community health care is usually free or low cost. Some services may be means tested. Check with your local community health centre about pricing.
More information on these can be found on the second page of the tool, by clicking the ‘Types of health care in Australia’.
Maternal, Child and Family Health Nurses are fantastic health professionals who can assist you with a wide range of topics. Allied health professionals are trained extensively in their speciality areas and can give more specific and targeted advice than your Maternal, Child, and Family Health Nurse can. Your Nurse is a great place to start, but sometimes you may need more specific, tailored advice that an allied health professional can provide. Your Nurse will advise you if you need to see an allied health professional and can assist with referrals.
Unfortunately, if an allied health professional isn’t in your local area, you may need to travel to see one in person. Luckily, if you are able and comfortable speaking to a health professional over the phone or through video chat, most allied health professionals can offer ‘Telehealth’. Telehealth is an appointment completed virtually or over the phone.
There are multiple ways for users to provide feedback on the Grow & Go Toolbox.
1. Using the feedback survey
You can find a link to our feedback survey on every website page. It is located towards the bottom of the page, above the website footer. To access the short survey, click the ‘feedback survey’ button. This is the quickest and most efficient way to give feedback to the website. Complete the survey in the link. All survey responses are anonymous and confidential. Survey results are checked semi-regularly. Please use option 2 (Contact us) if the feedback requires immediate action.
2. Contact us
To provide specific feedback or if aspects of the website do not work as expected, you can use the ‘contact’ option found at the top and bottom of each page.
This will redirect you to a contact form page. Use the message space to provide feedback, request additional support, report website issues, or contact the Grow & Go team. This is the quickest way to provide feedback that needs to be fixed immediately (i.e. if an aspect of the website is broken or doesn’t work as expected). Please note that feedback submitted this way is not anonymous. We may also contact you for more information surrounding your message.
3. Rate website pages
You can provide feedback on individual webpages on the site by selecting the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons found at the bottom of most webpages on the Toolbox. This provides quick feedback on the Toolbox features.
4. Rate resource cards
You can provide feedback on individual resources by selecting either the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons found on each resource card. The more thumbs up a resource receives, the higher up the results list the resource will appear in searches.
We encourage you to give feedback on anything on the website. This can include resources, graphics, digital tools and more. The consumer experience is important to the Grow & Go team, and we do our best to consider feedback as much as possible on the website. Any feedback is valid feedback.
All results from the feedback survey are used to improve the website and project reporting. Project reports track the website user experience and identify key areas that need additional work or improvement. Primarily, the results look at the website’s usability and functionality and help identify critical areas where modification is required.